Candace Pearson

Copy Writer

01: I was born in: the Egg Capital of the World—
Petaluma, California
02: My favorite Pantone color is: anything that’s
being discontinued
03: My guilty pleasure band is: no band, but I’m
a sucker for Spector’s Wall of Sound
04: My design hero is: whoever was behind Hello, Kitty
05: If I could be any plate of food, I’d be: orange,
green, red & yellow
06: My imaginary vacation home is in:
the Jetsons’ Skypad
07: I take my coffee: nowhere. green tea, please
08: Facebook or Twitter? why not have it all?
09: My favorite typeface is: Palatino
10: My hobby away from the studio is: words,
words, more words


“While other designers may show signs of boredom when creating a publication four times a year for 10 consecutive years, Warren Group|Studio Deluxe managed to infuse a fresh quality into each issue of USC Health. This enthusiasm for creating consistent, appealing design to reflect often serious subjects resulted in numerous awards of excellence. Readership also increased, which, from the letters received, I partially attributed to its great look.”

– Carol Chaplin, Editor