Our work has been recognized by high-profile awards and press coverage. Praise is nice, but even nicer are the results we get for our clients.

Admissions Marketing Report
American Center of Design 100 Show
Annual Report 100
Art Directors Club Los Angeles
Art Directors Club New York
Association of American Medical Colleges
Bust Magazine
California: Graphic Design
Communication Arts
Council for Advancement and Support of Education
Designer Magazine
Digit Magazine
Flash Magazine
Healthcare Public Relations and Marketing Association
Hot California Graphics
International Association of Business Communicators
Letterhead & Logo Design
Los Angeles Business Journal
Los Angeles: Graphic Design
Lucky Magazine
Public Communicators of Los Angeles – PRo Awards
Public Relations Society of America
Print Magazine
University and College Designers Association

Our work is also featured in the U.S. Library of Congress Permanent Design Collection in Washington, DC.
No big deal.



Being in the business of buying paper, we value certification by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) on behalf of our clients. In the last year, Warren Group | Studio Deluxe worked exclusively with printers who were certified as having met FSC standards. In addition, 90% of the print projects our team designed were specified to print on environmentally friendly papers. Check out our portfolio to see some example. Or contact us to find out how we can help you lessen the carbon footprint of your print marketing materials.