Karine Sekoian

Interactive Art Director

01: I was born in: Yerevan, Armenia
02: My favorite Pantone color is: between the 520 to 550 nanometer range
03: My guilty pleasure band is: Katy Perry
04: My design hero is: I admire innovation in any form,
color or sound
05: If I could be any plate of food, I’d be: a big bowl of
colorful dark chocolate M&Ms
06: My imaginary vacation home is in: an uninhabited
tropical island, secluded from civilization
07: I take my coffee: “I take my sugar with
coffee and cream” – Beastie Boys
08: Facebook or Twitter? Instagram
09: My favorite typeface is: the Verlag type family. Linda introduced it to me a couple of years ago and I’ve loved it ever since. I believe I’m an honorary member of the family now.
10: My hobby away from the studio is: filling in the gaps of my education by doing homework with my daughter. And just like in grade school, I still hate spelling!


Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood, you’ll find the enchanted neighborhood of Winnie the Pooh-and his pals, Warren Group | Studio Deluxe. In a collaboration with Disney Consumer Products, we took on the task of recreating the original Pooh designs for a new generation of Disney shoppers. The project included everything from the famous bear himself to calendars, clothes and specialty toys. We even produced a charming tea kettle for grown-up kids. After all, what goes better with honey than a warm spot of tea. Our friend Pooh agrees.