Karine Sekoian

Interactive Art Director

01: I was born in: Yerevan, Armenia
02: My favorite Pantone color is: between the 520 to 550 nanometer range
03: My guilty pleasure band is: Katy Perry
04: My design hero is: I admire innovation in any form,
color or sound
05: If I could be any plate of food, I’d be: a big bowl of
colorful dark chocolate M&Ms
06: My imaginary vacation home is in: an uninhabited
tropical island, secluded from civilization
07: I take my coffee: “I take my sugar with
coffee and cream” – Beastie Boys
08: Facebook or Twitter? Instagram
09: My favorite typeface is: the Verlag type family. Linda introduced it to me a couple of years ago and I’ve loved it ever since. I believe I’m an honorary member of the family now.
10: My hobby away from the studio is: filling in the gaps of my education by doing homework with my daughter. And just like in grade school, I still hate spelling!


Warren Group|Studio Deluxe not only resides in Culver City’s historic Beacon Laundry Building, we fully embrace the concept. Our business cards echo the shape of vintage laundry tags. We even devised laundry-themed client gifts. These gifts became so popular that principal Linda Warren created LindySues.com, an online shop for Laundry Chic and other stylish home wares. What started out as a self-promotional idea quickly turned into a full-fledged product line. That’s worth a rinse and repeat!