Planet-friendly projects

15 Aug 2012

Being in the business of buying paper, we value certification by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) on behalf of our clients. In the last year, Warren Group | Studio Deluxe worked exclusively with printers who were certified as having met FSC standards. In addition, 90% of the print projects our team designed were specified to print on environmentally friendly papers. Check out our portfolio to see some example. Or contact us to find out how we can help you lessen the carbon footprint of your print marketing materials.


Poetsville may sound like a timeless, backroads town—and it is, in the mind of writer/editor Candace Pearson. Poetsville is both old-school press and future online resource for people who love words and the magic they do. Its first print project: a collection of illustrated Farm Country Poetry greeting cards, artfully designed by Linda Warren. Available at